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National Equine ChipChecker
Everything you'll need to know about the National Equine ChipChecker, including what the alerts mean and how you can resolve them.
Where can I find my equine's Unique Equine Life Number (UELN)?
Equine marked as "Pending updates"
Equine marked as "Not for Sale"
Supported Passport Issuing Organisations on the National ChipChecker
Passport Issuing Organisations (PIOs)
My equine has no microchip
My equine has been wrongly recorded as Deceased – what can I do?
What to do if my equine species is incorrect on the National ChipChecker?
What does Equine Species mean?
Why can’t my equine's microchip be found on the National ChipChecker?
Why should my equine have a microchip?
What should I do once I have a microchip inserted in my equine?
What is a managed PIO? And why do I have one?
National Equine ChipChecker Food Chain Status
What should I do if the information in my equine/horse passport doesn’t match the National ChipChecker?
What if I have no microchip – how do I get one?
What do I do if the passport shows that the equine is ‘Excluded’ from the food chain but the National ChipChecker says its status is ‘Included’ or ‘Unknown’?